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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

"Step by Step..." In our life, we all are praying for the Lord to lead us to His perfect will...finding the "perfect will of God," where there is peace and happiness, takes a little time, and sometimes, it takes years. You don't just wake up one day, and you are happy, with everything going right,...
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If I Hadn’t Answered That Knock

If I Hadn’t Answered That Knock

When we first moved to Haiti, we lived up in the mountains. We had no electricity, but we DID have a big gate. Every Sunday, we looked forward to a quiet day, but there was always a "knock" on our gate and a person in need. Sometimes, I just got tired of going down to...
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Even On Holidays There Is Still Work To Do!

Even On Holidays There Is Still Work To Do!

Today is a holiday in Haiti, but there is still work to do, even on holidays!! There is a saying, "Idle hands are the devil's tools." We try to keep all of our teens and younger children busy! These are just a few that we wanted to show you because they are "teens and older."...
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“Talking to the Dead” Day

“Talking to the Dead” Day

Today is "Talking to the Dead" day. Today is a holiday here in Haiti. It started yesterday with the non-Christians. Today Haitians celebrate "the day of the dead." They will be flocking to the National Cemetery and other cemeteries carrying rum, candles, and hoping for a better future. This takes place every year during the first days of November. This...
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Who is our friend?

Who is our friend?

When Papa Doc was President of Haiti years ago, the people had a Haitian proverb they would say. “When the mosquito flies you don't know which one is a male or female.” They were saying, you don't know who your friend or your enemy is. Have you ever had someone come to you acting as your...
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Beautiful LAC Girls

Beautiful LAC Girls

Just look at our beautiful Love A Child girls dressed for church! Of course, there were lots more, but some were “still getting dressed!” The boys all looked so nice, but it takes girls so much longer to get ready, especially “our girls!” Here in Haiti, the majority of churches still believe in dressing your...
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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

You're not too small to make a difference. If you think you are too small to make a difference, try spending the night in a closed room with a mosquito… African proverb You may think you don't have much to offer the Lord. You are too small, not smart enough, have no talent, no money, and not spiritual enough to...
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Ti Mika

Ti Mika

I just kept staring at that little baby on the ground…a baby girl. Her grandma had been carrying her around and then, plopped her on the dirty ground. She just sat there and eventually put a handful of dirt in her mouth. Her name was Mika and we were in the village of Madamn Bauje....
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Walking and Building by FAITH

Walking and Building by FAITH

We are building a "Medical Staff Dorm," next to the new Jesus Healing Center to house 49 staff members who will be working in the new clinic. This will include doctors, nurses, administrative and security, down to the ones who keep the Jesus Healing Center spotless, and as germ free as possible. Out of all these people,...
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