We welcome Pastor Mark Ostrander today. He has made over 150 trips here to Love A Child. His son Jesse just left last week. Hardworking is not saying enough. By faith, as the money comes in we will be opening the new Jesus Healing Center by late October or early November. This week we will be out for two or three days distributing food to a village 150 miles away. There are some dangerous gangs in that area. This is...
God will give you an increase! "I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. So then neither is he that planteth anything, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour. For...
We are so proud of Jean Richard! This young many came to us after the earthquake. He had been raised in another orphanage that had been demolished during the earthquake so we took him in. We had no idea Jean Richard would turn out to be such a great musician! He's learned how to play the keyboard, bass guitar, drums, and now, he is teaching many of our children how to play as well! Jean Richard asked me to find out if one of our partners could help him. He has many students here at...
Yesterday, we had a big “orphanage party” at Pastor Claude’s Orphanage. He took his bus and brought kids from “his other orphanage,” too, so there was “a lot!” We brought hot dogs, cokes, etc., and our girls from our Love A Child Children’s Home, helped prepare the food! We all danced and sang, and then,...
"Let us not be weary in well doing..." "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." Galatians 6:9 It's not hard to do good things, "to good people," but it's extremely difficult to do good things to bad people, who are not kind...
We brought both of Pastor Claude's orphanages together this evening: La Tremblay and Fond Parisien. We brought many of our children too. Wow! What a party... hot dogs, drinks, prizes, dancing, and praising the Lord! A big bonfire! The children had such a great time! We did too! Thank you, David and Angie George, your...
This young lady "eats, sleeps, and thinks about medical things," all day long. This is Roselyne. We have had her since she was a young girl, maybe 11 or 12. We found her in the mountains during a Mobile Medical Clinic and her parents asked us to find a doctor who could help her. Her...
We had the fish and rice distribution here at Love A Child! We had a wonderful time! We received several e-mails saying they were coming but were facing roadblocks, in some areas gangs were throwing rocks, or containers were blocking the road. This was in several areas of Haiti today. Out of 100 organizations, which many are...
It's going to be a wonderful day! We are in the process right now of giving out 1,000 big tilapia fish with several thousand meals! I cannot say right now, "where" for security reasons. Later on, around noon or so, be looking for the pictures and report! Thank you for all of you who have helped make...
The Land Flowing with Milk and Honey! The Lord had promised Moses and all the children of Israel the "Promise Land." After Moses sent the spies to search out this land they came back with a bad report. They said "we came unto the land whither thou send us, and it flows with milk and honey, and this is the fruit...