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Nelson, from Sitting to Soaring!

Nelson is now 13. It’s a miracle he is alive! I can remember the day I was in “Old Letant,” a village of mud huts. He was about three, but could not walk. His mother would grab him by the arm and drop him onto the dusty ground. He could[…]

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Update on Jonas

Jonas… The name “restavek” is common here in Haiti. It means “to rest with,” or “to stay with.” A child who has no parents,” will go to live with a relative. He or she will become a slave. That child will never be treated “like family,” but instead, they will[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Do Something With Your Faith… Even if it is Small.” We all know how to pray… but do we know how to put our faith into action? In II Kings 4:1-7, we see a widow woman who has a son, but because she owes money and cannot pay, the creditors[…]

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Wilguens… 11 going on 50!

Wilguens is now in 6th grade. He is 11 (going on 50!)… The kids call him “Grandpa.” He is quiet, hard-working, and one of the best students in his class! Wilguens is quiet and shy. He learns quickly, loves to read the Bible, and sing with others. His sister, Fabiola,[…]

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“I was sick and he visited me…” Matt. 25:36

We are happy that we can get ready for another Mobile Medical Clinic in the “Regions Beyond.” Although we have a large “Jesus Healing Center Clinic” here at Love A Child, we must take our Mobile Clinic to the “Regions Beyond,” in the mountains… and to places where there is[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

BETTER TO GIVE THAN RECEIVE: WHAT? “…It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35) Everyone wants to receive, but it’s better to give. “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom.[…]

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Our Esther…

Esther has been with us since she was a baby. Her mother came to our house way up in the mountains with Esther and her sister Widlene. Her mother was weak and ill and thought she was dying. Madamn Jesula wanted us to take her children when she died, but[…]

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Rosalinda’s Miracle

Do you sometimes feel that “your giving is in vain?” Or, have you ever said, “My little bit doesn’t matter.” Well, if you could talk to the parents of any of these children “whose lives you have saved,” you could look into their faces and their hearts and see that[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

I wanted to share a remarkable story about “faith versus fear!” We’ve heard this story before, told to us by Johnsy, our I.T. guy, who keeps our internet going. As you may know, gangs have taken over Haiti. Johnsy had to travel through a bad area by “tap-tap” (Haitian truck)[…]

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Our Sandraline…

Sandraline has come a long way. She was born in Croix des Bouquets, Haiti… a city that now has been taken over by gangs. When her mother died, her father Fritzner, a young man, had a job fixing bicycle tires. But it was not enough to pay rent and care[…]

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