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Haiti Updated News:

Please forgive me for not sharing yet what the wonderful miracle and blessing was for so many Haitians last Thursday. Your prayers made the difference! Mission accomplished! It’s not safe yet to share. As you know, Sherry and I are here in Haiti. A few other missionaries are here also.[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

MOUNTAIN MOVING FAITH! “…If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.” (Matthew 17:20) Is a mountain of problems in front of you today? Be a mountain mover,[…]

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Our Lovely…

We are so proud of Lovely. We have had her since she was about a year old. Her mother died and she inherited some poor health conditions which she still struggles with today. Lovely has a beautiful voice and sings like an angel! She is in college to study law,[…]

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“Old Letant Church is Dancing!”

God has “come down” to the poorest of the poor… the people in the “mud hut village” of Old Letant! They have a building that they use for a School and Church, but there was no music or P.A. System for the Church. But the Lord moved on the heart[…]

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Just “Stretch Out Your Hand”

Sometimes when we need a miracle, we expect God to do everything! When Jesus worked miracles, the one “in need of a miracle” had to do something. At the wedding, the hosts had to “fill the wine pots with water.” Zacheus had to “climb a tree to get Jesus’ attention,”[…]

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Mikalange… She’s not the “Quiet Twin”

You can see “mischief” written all over her face! This cutie is 15 years old and in 10th grade. Mikalange and her twin were born in the mountains of Covant, Haiti. Their mother needed a C-Section but there were no hospitals there. She died delivering the babies. Mikalange loves soccer,[…]

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3rd Day of the Crusade

These pictures are from last night, the last day of the Crusade. The lady you see they are praying with was possessed by a demon called “ERZULIE,” and she got converted right after they hunted the demon and cast him out! Many came to know the Lord! The League of[…]

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Inmates in prisons across Haiti are starving of hunger because there is no government to send food. This weekend our faithful Love A Child team in the south of Haiti held an Easter service and fed 228 prisoners including 27 women in the Anse a Veaux prison. After a powerful[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Here are two thoughts that the Holy Spirit has given me through the years. They burn within my heart every day. Faith is not something we just talk about, but faith is something we do. Love is not something we just talk about, but love is something we do! Everyone can talk it, but can we walk[…]

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Mika, The Quiet Twin

Fifteen-year-old Mika is completely the opposite of her twin sister. She is passionate about school (10th grade) and wants to learn computers as a future job. She is passionate about math and soccer. Mika is also learning how to play the keyboard! Working in the kitchen is not “work!” She[…]

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