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Word from the Mission Field

“Not Even the Crumbs” We moved to Haiti on July 1, 1991. I was always amazed at how the poor survive. Nearly every poor child I have talked to has said they go two days without food, but many say, “three days without food.” And while they are hungry, they[…]

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Haiti News Update:

Good news!!! PTL! Thank you for praying. The miracle is happening right now as I’m writing you! Hundreds of Haitian families will be blessed. This has been a tough one, but the Lord did it. Sorry, I can’t share it right now with you because of security reasons. I will[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Is it time for a spiritual checkup? The Bible says, “There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.” 1 Corinthians 15:44 – Once a year, Sherry and I go see the doctor for a physical checkup. It’s also important in our lives to have a spiritual checkup. I’ve learned[…]

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Latest Update from Haiti

As most of you know, we have been praying for a miracle that we thought would happen last Thursday. Seems like we are on the edge of a miracle tomorrow! It’s looking good. Please, everyone, pray and agree with us tomorrow. As I have been saying, it will bless a[…]

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Tiny and Tough

“Tiny and Tough.” That’s Miliana. We found her in the village of “Madamn Bauje.” She was walking across a small ditch, pulling at the string on her sweater. She never looked up! She had red hair and sores all over her body. These were oozing sores with a “skin fungus”.[…]

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An Update From Wilner at the ATC

Please read what Wilner, the head of our Agriculture Training Center (ATC) Program, just sent me. He always calls me “Big Boss.” Ha! I love what he is saying. At Love A Child, we feed all the workers three meals a day. Thank you, Wilner and all the workers, for[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Nothing Too Hard for My God” Sometimes, our problems can seem “too difficult to solve.” But as Isaiah the Prophet said, “…nothing is too hard for thee…” (Jeremiah 32:17) No matter what you are going through, God is saying, “Just try me! See if there is anything too difficult for me! I[…]

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Our Hardworking “Grandpa”

Wilguens Jean-Jacque is now 11 years old. He is the brother of Fabiola, also in our orphanage. His mother died and his father had a hard time trying to buy food for him and Fabiola. Sometimes, they would leave the children for days while looking for work. Both children became[…]

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Sustainable Solutions: A Twelve-Year Journey of Impact

Twelve years ago, we started our “Development for Sustainability” outreach programs by creating our Agricultural Training Center (ATC). Since that time, we have developed many demonstration gardens, edible plant nurseries, teaching classroom, developed and conducted sustainable gardening training courses, and instituted many “appropriate technologies” that immediately improve daily living conditions,[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

A MIRACLE IS ON THE WAY FOR YOU! God has more miracles than we have needs! The Lord gave me this thought several years ago. “…With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26) We should do everything possible, but let God do the impossible! Bobby[…]

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