Good morning! “This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 Today I will fear no evil for the Lord is with us! “For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.” Psalm 91:11 I watch this beautiful...
Daniel is in 9th grade... He has a twin sister, Daniella, whom he "adores." Daniel is quiet and never (well, hardly ever) causes any trouble. He has a big heart and loves school. During the day, or when he is not in school, he is working at the Tilapia Fish Farm or working in the...
It’s 4:54 a.m. here at Love A Child. We are all inside and have not been going out! The children start early in the morning, cleaning… (Well, the boys used to start, but I made the girls start cleaning at the same time!) The ones you can see are Lovely, Bobby, Dorissant, Mika, and a...
We are so thankful and grateful to be able to share medical supplies with the wonderful Hospital Saint Famillie! They are all working hard to protect their people from the coronavirus. These valuable supplies came from World Vision! Thank you, and God bless you to all of you at World Vision and your partners! Thanks to...
"Now therefore, give me this mountain!" Joshua 14:12 Caleb was 40 years old when Moses, God's servant, sent him and Joshua to "spy out the land." (Numbers 13) This was the first time he had ever seen a "giant," and he saw plenty of them!!! From the distance, spying out the land, he could see...
We just received more pallets of medicine and lots of medical supplies from World Vision! This is in addition to the recent pallet of medical supplies! Our older girls have been working hard… Roselyne, Fabienne, Bianca, Julanne, and Jovanie. Roselyne and Jovanie discovered that we had received a lot of Ebola kits. They have masks,...
LIFT UP YOUR EYES! “I will lift up my eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this...
Love A Child Kids Growing Up! This is Julia. She just recently had a birthday so all her “younger” sisters at our Love A Child Children’s Home, did her hair and make-up for her birthday!! Julia was one of the first children we took in. She is now a lab tech at our Birthing Center!...
League of Pastors This Morning on Love A Child 103.9 stereo FM. All the churches are closed here in our area of Fond Parisien, Haiti because of COVID-19. This morning the League of Pastors met again at our Love A Child radio station to share singing and the word of God to their churches by radio. They did...
Haitians love rice! These guys had finished their contract for their part of work on the Jesus Healing Center. I paid them and surprised them with a nice bag of premium rice! They went away very happy. By faith, this week, we are going to buy another container of rice. This is beyond the Feed My Starving...