Just recently, we received a wonderful donation of medicines and medical supplies from our friends at World Vision, in conjunction with Smith’s Medical. There were all kinds of medical supplies… masks, gowns, tubing, and specialty items for surgery, including hypodermic needles. They were a huge blessing!!! Even these simple, basic hospital supplies are hard to...
"I know what I'm doing, Lord!" Have you ever thought that? What a great story there is in the Bible with Joshua chapters 8 and 9! We told a story a few days ago about how Joshua, the great leader, had gotten his "tail whipped" by King Ai. The reason behind this was that Joshua did...
Special thanks to World Vision for all of the beautiful blankets they sent for our birthing mothers. Dieuferly, one of our Haitian kids, took these pictures for us… Just look at how happy these mothers are! A blanket may be a small thing to someone in the States, but for the mothers that can barely...
“Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” 1 Peter 5:7 – Sometimes, we have too much pride and try to carry “the whole load” by ourselves…when Jesus has bigger shoulders than we do! Are you tired of carrying this all by yourself? Turn it over to Him! Have a great day!...
Update from David George: This is Dumolia, our precious Haitian Love A Child young lady, who is living with our wonderful friends and co-workers in the Dominican Republic, RL & Vanessa. She is there receiving medical attention from one of the best plastic surgeons in the DR. We bought her a new bed, curtains, paint,...
Since school is locked down and we are all "locked in," we all keep busy "cleaning" and "helping!" The young, teenage girls spent a lot of time yesterday helping me clean up from the last Mobile Medical Clinic. They cleaned and sanitized all of the black boxes that we keep our medical supplies in. I...
As we told you yesterday, through much prayer and thought, we are staying here in Haiti to be with our Haitian children at our Love A Child Children's Home and the precious people of Haiti. The children consider us their "mother and father," and they are afraid for us to leave. Likewise, the people who...
The man with the bullhorn is Camy… He's the one whose job it is to get the "older boys" up "early" to begin work. (I sent this new picture because the one we used before was too dark, so you know it was "early!") Camy also works with the younger boys to pick up trash...
“With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.” Mark 10:27 – I’ve learned a valuable lesson in life following the Lord, we must do everything that is possible and let God do the impossible! Bobby
This is little Kenzy, Joshua, Samuel, and Noah, caught in a “bearhug!” They really love each other! Usually, they are in “twos,” but today they were all wadded together! It’s very hard for Haitian people and children to “stay apart.” The moment we turn our backs, they are in a “wad!” They love to talk to...