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The “Professional Shoe Cleaner”

Jasson (Jackson), from here at our Love A Child Children’s Home, is considered the “professional shoe cleaner” at the house. Everyone gives him their shoes to wash and scrub. He knows how to do it without messing them up, and he can get them looking brand new again. He is[…]

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Fresh Produce from the ATC

Have you ever had a summer vegetable garden? If so, then you know the pride and joy that comes from eating your own fresh, nutritious produce. Products of your own hands. Remember how delicious that was, and how much pride you had in your garden? Now, imagine if you’re a poor[…]

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Latest News

The sweet lady to the left is Chantal. Chantal came to our Birthing Center yesterday morning around 7:00 a.m. because she was having pain and thought her baby might be coming. Our midwife, Miss Saint Fleur, who is on the right, checked her and told her she still had time[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“When you’ve done all you can…” (part one) He was the King of Jerusalem and had served God. He had torn down idols and followed the Lord with his whole heart. His name was King Hezekiah. But sometimes, even when we serve God, there are times when we face difficult[…]

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Hands-On Experience

Today, our sweet Dimelia, from our Love A Child Children’s Home, helped deliver her first baby!!! She told me in the middle of the delivery that she was “starting to see black dots.” I laughed and got her a chair, so she wouldn’t pass out. By the end of the[…]

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Good News for Sherry!

This weekend, we returned from Haiti for Sherry’s scheduled foot doctor appointment this morning. The doctor had put in two steel pins and a staple. The doctor told her today that she can take her boot off, which is one week ahead of time!! Sherry is happy! Now, she said, she can[…]

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Latest News

This little fellow was brought to us from the mountains near the village Peyi Pouri, Haiti. His father deserted him, and his mother died. A neighbor lady, who has eight children, took him in. When I saw “Wadson,” my heart broke. I thought he was about 12 months old, so[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Outnumbered!” “So, you think YOU have an enemy?” Maybe God’s not big enough to conquer that one? Well, He is! Read Isaiah 36-37. The great fearful King of Assyria, King Sennacherib, had just conquered and taken over Judah. Now, he was setting his eyes on Jerusalem. So, the King of[…]

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Growing Up!

These girls are growing up way too fast! Here we have Mikalange, Rebecca, Yolanda, and Mika! This picture shows how they are all the time. They are always laughing or giggling about something! These girls have grown up together here at our Love A Child Children’s Home since they were[…]

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Go Haiti!

It seems that the only thing that quenches the violence in Haiti is a winning soccer match! All ears were glued to the radio or televisions as Haiti won 3-2 over Canada! They will play Mexico on Tuesday. The winner will go to the Gold Cup! This gives us a[…]

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