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Right Hand Man

Right Hand Man

You all know Georges who grew up here in our Children’s Home. Georges is all grown up now and is a full-time employee for Love A Child! He went to school to learn how to operate heavy equipment. Georges is one of a kind! He always comes up to the[…]

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Latest News

This little boy is Dieumano. He is from one of the villages in Haiti that make most of the “mud cookies” that other hungry children in Haiti eat. We have been feeding and working in these areas to help mothers get a job and start a business, that way, they[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.” Matthew 25:23 If we can’t be faithful over the small things the Lord gives us to do, how can we[…]

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Rolling Around on a Sunday!

Kenzy’s face says it all!!! I think Kenzy was seriously concerned while watching some of our children try to “rollerblade!” He stood there watching them with this same look on his face, for a good while! There were many falls but after a while, they got the hang of it!![…]

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Blessing Others With Food

When God blesses us, we are obligated by His Word, to bless others. We all must keep His blessings going continuously. We share our food each month with other organizations, who also feed children. There are 90 organizations that we share with… all because of the “you share with us,”[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“You Don’t Need A Whole Lot… Just Use What Little You’ve Got!” Jesus tells the story in Matthew 25, of the man (businessman), who was traveling to a far country. He called his servants and left money (talents of gold) in their hands to invest. He gave three of them different amounts…[…]

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That’s Noah!

Who is this strange creature? Oh wait, that’s just Noah patiently waiting for his breakfast this morning. Yep, a mask and everything, just acting completely normal! That’s Noah for you! Noah, from here at our Love A Child Children’s Home is always up to something! Ha! Love, Kaeli

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Word from the Mission Field

The 11th chapter of Hebrews is the FAITH chapter. Try to read it and let your FAITH soar today! “But without faith, it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek[…]

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Summer Fun!

Widlene, one of our older girls here at our Love A Child Children’s Home did some painting with the children today! For the summer, she is in charge of helping me keep the children busy with activities! Widlene does a great job with the kids! Today they enjoyed painting, and[…]

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Little Josier is Finally Here!

Look what we have here!!! Chantal, the sweet lady who refused to go home until she had her baby, has now had her baby! A little baby boy named Josier was born at 3:00 p.m. this afternoon! He is happy and healthy and Chantal is “over the moon” happy!! Chantal[…]

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