Would you feel better today if you had some more money in your pocket? What does the Bible say about money? “A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things.” (Ecclesiastes 10:19) “For wisdom is a defence, and money is a defence: but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life...
I’m sure that you all remember Kidney from our Love A Child Children’s Home. Kidney has grown into such a good young man! Most of the time you do not even realize Kidney is around because he is so quiet and is always doing some kind of work! This is him in our Love A...
This is the precious family that we took from the garbage dump of Truttier. We had gotten a call that the mother was very sick and dying. (We had met this family over a year prior but had lost contact with them.) The father’s name is Tisson. We brought the mom and family out and...
"Accustomed to Being Bound…" I don't believe any one of us could ever appreciate the great burden Moses had of leading the children of Israel out of Egypt. God had spoken to Abraham (Abram) and told him that the children of Israel, the seed of Abraham, would be in bondage for 400 years. To be bound...
These two boys are way too handsome! This is Mackenson and Fritzner from our Love A Child Children’s Home! This morning they were all prepared for church and while waiting on the other children to get ready, they sat outside and had their own little Bible study! They are two very good boys! We love...
It thrills us to partner and share food with others. Our “plate is full” now because we share with over 90 other organizations and it takes us “four and a half 40-foot containers of food” to do this! But just look at these mothers with babies! We share our food with Coram Deo, a wonderful...
What a wonderful Blessing! Thank you Richard Hotes of the Hotes Foundation for donating this beautiful 2019 custom made mobile kitchen! It was an answer to our prayers! The first family this week we fed from the mobile kitchen was the little family from the dump. The little children were smiling from ear to ear with their...
THE TIME CLOCK OF GOD: to every thing, there is a season and a time to every purpose under the sun... Ecclesiastes 3:1 Please read the entire 3rd chapter of Ecclesiastes. Some of you are in a certain season, and the Lord is about to move you into another season of your life. We are all in the...
This is Jean Edwouard, Joseph, and Dieubon! These boys have grown up here at our Love A Child Children’s Home! When I say they are some of the hardest workers I’ve ever seen, I am not lying! These boys work so hard day in and day out! Today they got treated to an evening out...
More than a year ago, while doing a food distribution, we met the "Tisson Family" in the garbage dump of Truttier. Mr. Tisson was trying to make a living by finding wire and small thrown away lights or bulbs in the garbage, to put "light" in some tent homes. When we were there, he had...