This wonderful, young girl is Rebecca Burnette. Our Love A Child Director Nelio Barthelemy had heard about a little girl in a small village that was going to be sold into slavery. A man was "trying to buy her" and keep her as a Restavec (child slave) and other things, but God spared her! Nelio...
In many areas of Haiti, children are eating "mud cookies" to fill the hunger in their stomachs. Other children are putting "salt" in water and boiling it and "drinking it" in place of food. Feeding the hungry is our greatest burden in Haiti. This month, we are believing God for eight containers of food, which are in Customs right...
Off to church they go! We hope everyone is having a blessed Sunday morning! Our children headed out the door early this morning to make it to Sunday school! You will see most of the girls have “white powder” around their neck. That is baby powder. Haitians do this to show that they are “clean”...
What Do You Want to Hear? I have always heard so many people say, “Well, if God wants me to do that, He'll have to talk loud,” or “If God wants me to do that, He will have to give me a sign.” Sometimes, when we are praying and wanting an answer, we might miss God's voice....
I know you all remember this beautiful face! This young lady is Dimelia who has grown up here at our Love A Child Children’s Home! Dimelia came to Love A Child at a very young age with severe burns starting from her neck down to her chest. She has been to the States several times...
We had a wonderful time with Jane and Bob D’Andrea of Christian Television Network (CTN)! Be looking for our interview on CTN's “The Good Life Program,” which is airing now, Monday, and Tuesday on all their stations, including Direct TV, and Dish Network. Today, we are having a luncheon at the Hilton Naples in Naples, Florida with...
"How Large is Your Tent?" Through the many years that we have been in the ministry, (Evangelists, Pastors, Radio and Television Ministry, Missionaries) we have come to see that some will never enlarge the place of their tent. They never want to "stretch out" and do something greater for the Lord. They are "content." A...
We have been so blessed with such wonderful employees! We honestly have the best team we could have ever dreamed of for the children at Love A Child! This woman is one of our room mothers at our children’s home named Madamn Vester! She works in the little boys’ room with Noah, Kenzy, Joshua, and Samuel! There couldn’t...
This week has been so strenuous on all the missionaries here in Haiti. The riots, the instability of Haiti, burning tires, roadblocks, and people dissatisfied with the government... It affects no one more than “the poorest of the poor." Just think, these poor mothers travel from the mountains to the city trying to sell a few vegetables, charcoal, or whatever they...
We are so thankful to our partners who help us feed hungry children in Haiti… our neighbors! Feeding them and supplying the transportation to get food into “hard-to-reach-areas” is often difficult, but we always face the challenge! Pray about a mission team to Haiti, or sponsoring food! It will change your life… forever! Sherry