"How the Poor Survive in Haiti..." This is one of the families that live on top of a “bald and lifeless, mountain” called "Mòn Deral." There is no grass, no trees, and no gardens. The families make a living searching out large rocks and breaking them into smaller rocks to sell to trucks that come by. There...
“This is how we cook ti pa nou!” Ti pa nou in Creole means, “a little for us.” It is the food donated to us by Feed My Starving Children. They cook it in huge pots called “chodias.” The cooks usually add “Haitian spices” to it! It is very nourishing for hungry children. These children...
“Can God Reverse The Decision?” Here in Haiti, we deal with a lot of Voodoo spirits. The Haitian people are always afraid that someone has put a “curse on them,” and sadly enough, they become so fearful that bad things will happen to them. But God is able to “reverse the curse!” Deuteronomy 23:5 –...
This wonderful, young girl is Rebecca Burnette. Our Love A Child Director Nelio Barthelemy had heard about a little girl in a small village that was going to be sold into slavery. A man was "trying to buy her" and keep her as a Restavec (child slave) and other things, but God spared her! Nelio...
Our highest goal is to help the Haitian people create sustainable improvements in their living conditions and contribute to their community. Love A Child is bringing jobs to the community, which helps the Haitians to help themselves, and it gives the people hope and a brighter future. Read Sherry's Journal Part Two and learn how...
“Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases…” Psalm 103:1,2 & 3 – I just love this scripture. I say these verses out loud every...
This handsome young man is Joseph Lyma. He came to the Love A Child Children’s Home with his twin sister, Sarah, years ago. Their mother Elicia Felix died and their father abandoned them. When Joseph first arrived, he was ill and suffering from severe malnutrition. His Love A Child brothers and sisters welcomed him with...
“Now the word of the Lord came unto Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before me. But Jonah rose up to flee unto Tarshish from the presence of the Lord…” Jonah 1:1,2 and 3 – Someone reading this...
We have seen a lot of changes in the village of Peyi Pouri. As we work with each community in Haiti, we try to introduce them to sustainable projects that can improve their living conditions and bring them food for life. In Peyi Pouri, we have introduced better gardening techniques, and a couple of Appropriate Technology...
The First Christian Church in Pétion-Ville is the head of all our Love A Child Churches, under Pastor Lionel Narcisse. This is one of the many churches and organizations we share food with each month. It was Pastor Narcisse's father who had the vision of our land with helicopters, and generals landing in helicopters! At...