“But none of these things move me…” Acts 20:24 Apostle Paul has been warned by the Holy Ghost that "if" he goes to Jerusalem, "bonds and afflictions" will come upon him. Knowing this, he still chose to go because he said, "Either count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my...
Mackenson is one of our little Love A Child kids. He is from the village of Covant, where we found him while conducting a Mobile Medical Clinic. He had severe malnutrition, his arms were splitting open, and he was near death. He has been with us now for about five years, and had regained health,...
"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer." Psalms 19:14 — What we say and what we think is so important…and so relative to the way our day will turn out. Jesus is our strength and redeemer. Let’s stay...
Oh, what a joyous day! The Vela family moved from the garbage dump to a new home with new furniture! They brought tears to our eyes. The little girl looked at me and asked, “What is this?” I told her it's a bed that you will sleep on! She has never slept in a bed...
We regularly share the food we receive from Feed My Starving Children with other missionaries and organizations that help feed the poor in Haiti. These photos are from Sherrie Fausey at Christian Light School; they do wonderful work in Haiti! Thank you, for “not passing by, on the other side.” Because of you, children are...
These are update pictures of little Noah. You may remember that he was found outside the gate here at Love A Child about two months ago. He is such a funny little guy!!! He eats well, laughs, runs, plays and has gotten a "belly" on him!!! He is still "trying to talk," but the Lord...
This morning at 4:30 AM, Life Changers International Church Team left Haiti to return home. What a great team they were, they helped with the Pastors Conference, when Pastor Gregory Dickow ministered. They distributed Bibles in Old Letant and prayed with all the new families. They also spent time with our Love A Child Children’s...
“Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it. Say not unto thy neighbor, Go, and come again, and tomorrow I will give; when thou hast it by thee.” Proverbs 3:27,28 — If you have within the power of thine hand to...
This young boy is Mackenson, who is about 10-years-old, and recently had a stroke while he was in school. We have had this little boy since he was seven, but he looked like he was only two. He has been in Bernard Mevs Hospital for weeks. He is doing better but cannot use his right...