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Kaeli visiting Dimelia in the States

Kaeli visiting Dimelia in the States: 9-2-17 11:55 AM

Right now, Kaeli, our Love A Child Missionary, is driving to New York with Dimelia, one of our Haitian children, for a short two-day trip. Dimelia has been in Boston for a while, with her “host mom” Lori Hodell, while undergoing some reconstructive surgeries for burns she suffered before coming[…]

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Feeding the poor in Haiti

Feeding the poor in Haiti: 9-2-17 8:00 AM

If we ever think we don’t need “one another,” then we are wrong. Any help that is given, whether to the people suffering from the flood in Houston to starving children here in Haiti, nothing can be done until “we put our hands together.” We are thankful to Feed My[…]

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Word from the Mission Field: 9-2-17 6:15 AM

Who is your true friend? Some people tell you to your face how much they love you and would do anything for you. They are smiling all the time acting so friendly. Yet behind your back, they talk and tell lies on you. They are like raving wolves. We’ve all[…]

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Wedding for Mafees

Wedding for Mafees: 9-1-17 11:25 AM

This is Mafees. Many of you who have been to Lastik and La Roche have met Pastor Bernice, a wonderful man of God. He died several years ago and his children took up the “cross” and carried on his vision. Mafees helps with both schools and churches. She is getting[…]

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Word from the Mission Field – 09-01-17

“Lord, What do You Want Me to Do?” How many times have we not taken the time to “ask the Lord His advice, and His guidance?” When Bobby and I were first married and I would try to give him a little “wife” advice, he would say, “Honey, I know[…]

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Orphan Girls work at the clinic

Older Orphan Girls work at the clinic: 8-31-17 6:00 PM

We are so proud of our older, teenage girls who love working in the clinic. Julia is a Lab Technician and has been working for us for several years. Roselyne is “learning” under Dr. Danje, and will attend a Nursing College when she finishes school. Jovanie will be taking her[…]

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Maternity Outreach for new mothers

Maternity Outreach for new mothers: 8-31-17 2:40 PM

We are so proud of our Maternity Outreach to new mothers. Our doctors give them great care and lots of counsel and advice, encouraging them to be sure to vaccinate their babies. We thank the following churches for the Birthing Kits they sent to us: Lutheran Missions Attic Workshop Inc.,[…]

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Love A Child needs a professional photographer: 8-31-17 11:00 AM

Love A Child is in need of a professional photographer. We are looking for someone fully dedicated to serving the poor, and is willing to serve a minimum of one year in Haiti. The candidate would also need to do media outreach, such as Facebook live videos, Twitter, and more.[…]

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Visiting a new village

Visiting a new village: 8-31-17 8:00 AM

Look at this new village we will be working in soon. It is so, so sad. Look at the woman inside her hut. She had “no hope.” The first thing she needs is Jesus, but she must be able to know the love of God first, and to know that[…]

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