It is amazing to see the difference that good, healthy food makes. We have heard some people say, “Well, I don’t think my little bit matters,” so they use this as an excuse for “not giving at all.” Children who are extremely malnourished and near starvation will be glad you gave your gift, large or...
“For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.” Proverbs 8:11 — Solomon could have had anything he asked for, but he chooses wisdom! Lord today we seek after your wisdom. Bobby
“Teaching Children How to Give.” We decided that each year, our Haitian children should give “something that they love very much” to children who are very, very poor. I told them that I didn’t want them to bring “anything ripped, or missing a button, or anything faded, or anything that is ugly. Give your best,...
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6 — It is so important not to lean upon our human understanding but trust the Lord in all things. I'm confident the Lord is directing our...
Just look at this sweet young boy with Poppie Bobby! Do you remember Moses? His story is incredible and you will not believe it, but we know God’s hand is upon his life. Moses was dropped in an old nasty Haitian outhouse at birth. His poor mother gave birth to him in an outhouse, dropped...
We welcome David George to our children’s home! Angie had to stay home in Georgia to prepare for 17 family members coming in for Christmas. We miss you Angie! Instead of giving toys this year, David gave a personal envelope with their name on it to all the children and the 55 staff members who...
"I was in prison and ye visited me…" Matthew 25 This morning, as we were unloading a container, we received an urgent call from Nelio, our Haitian Love A Child Director here in Haiti. He had heard on the news that the "prisoners" here in Haiti were hungry and the Government was asking if anyone...
"Is it a Mountain or Just a Hill?" "The mountains melted from before the Lord, even that Sinai from before the Lord God of Israel." Judges 5:5 What problem are you facing today? Does it seem overwhelming? Has it kept you awake at night? Has this "mountain" stolen your joy? This scripture says, "the mountains...
This year, we are doing something different for Christmas here at our Love A Child Children's Home. I told the kids that they would all have to sacrifice "something they loved more than anything else" for Christmas. I told them they cannot expect to be blessed unless they learn to give. They cannot give "anything...
We are so proud of our young teenagers here at Love A Child. Pictured here are Bianca, Daniella, and Hannah, but there are others waiting at the church. They, along with other young people, are going to another village to pray for a sick man from our church. The Bible says, “and the prayer of...