“The Light of the World…” “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel…” Matthew 5:14,15 — When we first moved to Haiti in 1991, we got there just in time to be under the "embargo."...
These are pictures from last night's concert at "Gwo Mache Mirak" (Grand Miracle Market). Huge crowd! The place rocked!! They are saying this evening the crowd will double in size. Tonight at 10:30 PM, Sherry and I will give a witness for Christ to all the people. Last night they sang until 2:30 AM!! Tonight, I'm...
We are always looking for ways to expand our Feeding Programs to more children here in Haiti. A large percentage of Haiti's poor do not even get one full meal a day, or every other day. Always be the vessel that God can use to help a child in need. Bobby and Sherry
"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer." Psalms 19:14 — What we say and what we think are so important and so relative to the way our day will turn out. Jesus is our strength and redeemer. Let’s...
It is amazing how something as small as a "new tarp" can make the difference in the lives of the families who live in the garbage dump. We sent two of our Haitian workers, "Joseph and Peter" to the dump today with three new tarps. I told them to find three families who had badly,...
Last night so many people were touched by our gospel concert at Gwo Maché Mirak! Huge crowd! Heaven came down. I never dreamed that the marketplace would become a soul saving station! Thank you, Oriol, for putting it all together. Tonight and tomorrow night the marketplace will have cultural music for the young people. The place...
"You're Not Home Yet." I heard a story years ago about a great man of God. He was an old missionary, returning home from many years of service in a foreign country. He had fought the devil, survived many sicknesses, had been away from family and friends for many years, and had won many to...
Today we were honored to have TBN Television Network here for seven hours interviewing us and the Haitians who have been helped. The TBN special of what God is doing around the world through his people will air all year in 2020. (It will air for 17 days straight in each section of the world...
One day our good friend, Joel Trimble, called us in tears to tell us about a tragedy. He was calling from a cave with many Haitian families living inside because they had lost their homes in the hurricane. The cave sits in the mountainous area of Fond Rouge, south of Jérémie. Read Sherry’s Journal today to learn...
Oriol, one of our Love A Child workers, just sent these pictures to us. These are some of the pictures from the Feeding Program in Truttier. It always breaks our hearts. Let's see what God wants us to do to help these children. Bobby and Sherry