We welcome Pastor Mark Ostrander and Bryon Ray to Haiti today! They will be overseeing the construction of the new medical staff housing building for all the doctors, nurses, and staff. They are also converting the old Jesus Healing Center building into our new Love A Child offices. This will save us a lot of money! All of the Haitian construction teams are working hard—great guys who all learned under Pastor Mark. Bryon will be staying for 30 days to help with everything. Thank you, Bryon.
We always have three to five projects going on at the same time to help the Haitian people. Love is something you do…
Pray for the Haitian people, especially the children. Haiti is in total turmoil, which affects everyone in Haiti. This chaos, kidnapping, shooting must stop. Our hearts break for Haiti. We are claiming Haiti for Christ. At one time, Haiti was known as the “Pearl of the Caribbean.” One day it will be again!
Missionary Bobby Burnette