Just look at this sweet baby. Her name is Madianite Chapelier, just 14 days old. She is just “skin and bones.” Her parents live in Ganthier, a village about an hour from here. The baby had fever, malnutrition, diarrhea, and vomiting. She was immediately put on IVs to stabilize her and sent by ambulance the “baby hospital.”
Baby Madianite will have a long road to recovery. She is one reason why we have built this Malnutrition Center! We are so thankful to Joyce Meyer Ministries – Hand of Hope for sponsoring the cost of this building. We will soon be getting our container truck which will have a lot of “what goes inside” this Malnutrition Center!
We want to thank everyone for your prayers, your support, and your love in every outreach for the poor. Prayer is key, so please, keep those prayers coming!
God bless you!
Bobby and Sherry