We love sharing food with other missionaries because feeding hungry children in Haiti is a big job! In the same way that we share our food, we share medications that we receive as a gift. Sometimes, another missionary will share with us. We get the job done easier if we share.
We recently received a container of wonderful medical items from our friends at MAP International. We sent some to our new Jesus Healing Center and some to other missionaries and organizations. Here is a story from our friend Lori at Real Hope for Haiti:
“Little-four-year-old Alicia lives in a small block home with a sibling and her mother; the house is Grandma’s. Alicia started having stomach aches and lost her appetite. She began to lose weight. Soon, sores came upon her head and then spread throughout her body!”
She was taken to Lori’s clinic and treated for the infection. She also had malnutrition. She received special nutritious food for malnourished children and Amoxicillin 400 mg, which MAP International had just donated to us, to fight her systemic infection. As soon as she is well from the sores, she will be able to return to school.
What would have happened if MAP International had not sent us that pallet of medicine to care for our clinic and share with others? Children in Haiti die every day from infections and malnutrition. We have no words to thank MAP International for this container of medicine to heal and save lives!
God bless you, and thank you with all our hearts!
Bobby and Sherry