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Thank You For Praying for Jackson and Dieuferly

Thank You For Praying for Jackson and Dieuferly

Sherry and I want to thank you for praying for little Jackson and Dieuferly.

It means a lot to us. The power of prayer works!

The Story of Jackson:

Little Jackson, we found when we were doing a Mobile Medical Clinic in a very remote part of Haiti called “Savaan Pite.” His stomach was extremely huge, and he was full of water. He had kwashiorkor malnutrition. He would have been dead by now, no doubt.

We took him to the hospital and then to our Children’s Home to watch over him. He had no Mom or Dad. We found out later that Jackson had severe kidney problems caused by the kwashiorkor malnutrition. We pray that the Lord touches him and gives him a “long life!” We love him very much. We want to thank the special family who helped sponsor Jackson’s medical care. He is preparing for dialysis.

The Story of Dieuferly:

Sherry and I rode a mule nine hours one way to do a Mobile Medical Clinic in a remote area of Haiti, high in mountains, called Covant, Haiti. It was so far out, and it felt spooky; I was a little scared. They were even scared of us! We were the first white people they have ever seen. Since then, we have built a church and school there. We met Dieuferly there. He was just a little tiny boy you could carry around with one arm.

He had severe club feet, and no doubt if we left him there, he would not live. He came from a family of nine children. The husband had died. They had nothing but Jesus! So we brought him back with us by mule.

He has had three botched surgeries. We built his mother a house and moved her and some of his family into Miracle Village. Dieuferly has lived with us ever since in our Children’s Home. He is now living in the older boy’s house on our land, transitioning into real life.
We are now with him in Santo Domingo, preparing for his surgery tomorrow.

Please continue to be in prayer. Thank you to the two special people who made this operation financially possible.

Love is something you do.
Bobby Burnette

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