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The Poor are Treated With the Best Care!

The Poor are Treated With the Best Care!

Our Jesus Healing Center has been in the middle of the poorest of the poor as well as gang members. Right now, the gangs are just above the town of Ganthier, which is about ten miles from us. The police there are “holding back the gangs.”

In times past, the number of patients had been much, much more, because families did not have to face the gangs and “pay them” for the “right of passage,” to go beyond Ganthier.

But, in the last 6 months, the “population” has been rising up against the gangs, killing them!

Now, the number of patients we see regularly is much more. Despite everything, this movement of popular revolt has had positive impacts: the cases of kidnappings are drastically decreasing, and the roads are partially freed… This had a huge impact on the number of patients we see at the clinic today.

People came from all over and flocked to the clinic. The waiting room was crowded! Among them, there was a little girl named Pierre Aliya who suffered from an infection on her feet. Her mother was so poor, with tears in her eyes. Our doctors were able to clean Aliya’s feet and give her medicine for the horrible infection! Jesus healed the woman with an issue of blood, and she paid nothing! Our Clinic is free to the poor… consultations, lab work, medicine, and more.

We wish to thank Joyce Meyer Ministries – Hand of Hope for their monthly support to keep our Jesus Healing Center open to serve the poor.

Bobby and Sherry

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