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Update on Bianca

Here is Bianca, scrubbing the floor of our Children’s Home. When it’s time to work, she works hard and is never afraid to get dirty!!! She is just as beautiful in a baseball cap as is she is dressed for church!

She is 18 years old and doing great in school! Bianca, her two sisters, and her brother were brought to us by their aunt. She explained that the children’s parents died taking a “Haitian boat” to the States years ago.

Bianca is very sweet and quiet. She studies “all the time!” She is a beautiful young girl with big eyes, so the kids nicknamed her “krapo,” which means frog because she has big eyes. Bianca loves church and sports, especially basketball. She has the “voice of an angel” but is so shy; it is hard to get her to sing by herself.

This beautiful young girl wants to be a “surgeon!” What great big dreams all of these children have! We just love Bianca and her big, beautiful eyes!


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