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Update on Jasson

Update on Jasson

Today, Jesse Ostrander, who was with Jasson, called us from the Dominican Republic. It was in regard to the Dominican Doctor who had seen Jasson and was trying to determine if he should have a Kidney Transplant or if there were other options. Jesse, who was with the Dominican Doctor from the Dominican Republic, was on the phone with our doctor, Dr. Barthelemy, who works at our Jesus Healing Center. He has all Jasson’s records. They talked on the phone because Jesse had questions from the Dominican Doctor regarding blood work, etc. He passed the information on to Jasson’s doctor, who is still with him in the Dominican Republic. We should know more by tomorrow.

Dieuferly is doing fine after the doctor took out all those huge, steel pins in his foot. We pray that he will be able to sleep tonight without pain. They will return from the Dominican Republic tomorrow, Lord willing.

We ask your prayers in faith for Jasson and Dieuferly. Jasson is in bad condition. He really needs a miracle!

Thank you for your prayers,
Bobby & Sherry

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