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Update on Jonas

You may have read the story of Jonas, the little boy we met in the village of Manacou. He had been working hard in the gardens with the men of the village when we met him. His parents were both dead, and he had no family to take him in. He slept in the bushes and weeds! He actually “worked for food” and sometimes didn’t get any at all! He had become a “restavek slave!” The two big Haitian ladies he worked for owned the gardens, and they had abused him horribly, both physically and emotionally.

When we finished our feeding program, we brought him home with us, much to those two ladies’ anger, who didn’t even want me to talk to him! We brought him home until we could figure out what was wrong with him and the best way to help him. We had him examined by our doctor at our Jesus Healing Center, Dr. Barthelemy. He had tests done and had blood drawn for labs. One thing is for sure, Jonas has malnutrition, swollen legs and stomach, and worms! We will know more when the tests come back.

The doctor asked our lab to draw blood, and that scared him to death. He screamed and threw a fit! But, the strange thing is that he hated the band-aid more than anything! It took him over an hour to pull it off!! After we got home from the clinic, we asked our kids to put him on the swing!!! He loved that!! He’s doing much better now!

Thank you for your prayers and support! Each miracle starts with just one box of food!


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