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Update on Madamn Rosemond

Update on Madamn Rosemond New Business in Sapaterre: 7-19-18 6:00 PM

This woman is Madamn Rosemond. She is a poor lady, who lives in the village of Sapaterre, where they make mud cookies. This village is about four hours from us. When we saw the village people “making mud cookies” for hungry children to eat, and this was for all of them their only business, we decided to try and get sponsors for these poor ladies, so that they could make a living. This precious lady is Madamn Rosemond. Her sponsors are Jim and Heidi Dettmann. Madamn Rosemond is one of the hardest workers in the Love A Child Church in Sapaterre!!! She loves the Lord! You can see pictures of the items she bought with this money, and she will resell them to make a good business to help feed her family. (We will soon be sharing the story of another lady, sponsored by Jim and Heidi Dettmann.) Thank you Jim and Heidi, and thank you, partners for the other ladies you have sponsored with a gift of $300 for a Haitian mother to go into business…this is “Food for Life!” God bless you. Bobby and Sherry

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