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Waiting for Food…

Early this morning, gangs shot and killed two people from Miracle Village. The third man, they believe he was a Pastor, was shot and treated at our Jesus Healing Center, and had to be sent via our ambulance to a hospital for surgery. We pray that he lives.

If any of you know where “Best Fun” is, less than a mile from us, there were lots of gang members in this area… early this morning. Everyone is on alert.

Our food container, driven by our driver Casimi, has not shown up yet, due to the problems. Meanwhile, little children like this little one in this photo, are “waiting for food.” We usually share food with “some missionaries” who are on “this side” of the gangs, but right now, we don’t have the food to share or to pass on to little ones like this little girl…

We “never thought” the gangs would venture this close to Love A Child. Any time you think of us, say a prayer that the Lord will command a company of Angels all around us. When I first got saved, we used to sing a song that said, “Jesus, build a fence all around us every day…” I find myself singing that song again. Please pray for us, our workers, and our Love A Child children… and our food container driver Casimi. Thank you, and God bless you for standing with us in times like these.


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