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We Don’t Wanna Go Home!

We Don’t Wanna Go Home!

That’s what some of our little “patients,” are saying here at our Malnutrition Clinic, especially these two little brothers!! We are receiving more and more children and we believe that this is due to the problems of food in Haiti, which is now due to the “insecurity” of the country. Mothers cannot go in the streets to sell, because they will be robbed or kidnapped, or even killed. So, as a result, there are fewer families having a full meal each day. The only ones who are not struggling, are the powerful rich! They live “high in the mountains,” above all the poverty, the gangs, the hunger, the despair, while Haiti’s children are dying of hunger.

We are limited to the number of children we can take in, because it may take months or even a year before some children can go back home. When they leave, they go into an “out-patient” program and receive a box of Feed My Starving Children food, (Tipanou), to take home for the family, in addition to all the special milk formula and food for the child who just left. It is important to send the box of FMSC food home with the family, for the other children, because if we do not do this, the mother will use the “special foods” to share with “all the children,” and that malnourished child, “will be back.”

All these little ones are “well taken care of,” and they are happy, and each day, getting better! They “love” this place!!!! Some little fellows are so happy, they don’t want to leave!! We have a loving staff that loves each child, and they love their work!!!

We want to thank our partners who help monthly with the cost, and we are thankful to Joyce Meyer Ministries — Hand of Hope for sponsoring the Malnutrition Clinic and furnishings. We are also thankful for the container of FMSC food that Joyce Myer/Hand of Hope sponsors each month and we are thankful to all our partners. Nothing happens until we can put all our hands together!

God bless you and thank you!!! Bobby and Sherry

Note: We are always in need of infant and toddler clothes up until age 5. Boys and girls. If you want to send clothing, send it to our Ft. Myers missions office: Love A Child, 12411 Commerce Lakes Dr., Fort Myers, FL 33913, and mark the box, “Malnutrition Clinic.” Thank you and God bless you.

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