We finally got a picture of baby Zachary smiling! Two of the young men from our orphanage are photographers, and finally, one of them got it!!
If you have never heard his story, it is so sad. Zachary’s mother brought him to our Jesus Healing Center clinic when he was just a few months old. This woman was “bound by Voodoo.” The doctors did what they could for her physically, and our pastor even prayed with her, but she did not want prayer.
This mother had five children who “had died,” and one little girl was “missing.” (In Haiti, they rarely try to find missing children.) When she showed up at our clinic, some of the nurses recognized her. They wanted to go to her house with me and the driver, so we all went together.
A neighbor came out and began talking to the nurses. They found out that this mother told her neighbors that she had planned to kill the baby with a butcher knife! At that time, the nurses called the Department of Social Services, and they told us to “get the baby and bring him to Love A Child.” That‘s what we did, and he has been here ever since.
When Zachary first came, he had a lot of problems. He was undernourished and had asthma. But the Haitian mothers here want to see “fat cute little babies,” and so they over-feed them. So, we had to put Zachary on a little “diet.” Since he has been doing some exercise and walking around in his walker, he is happier and healthier. He looks like a miniature football player! He gets “lots of attention” from all of the kids, both boys and girls!!!
We love Zachary!!! He is a blessing. God spared his life!
P.S. His real mother has never made any effort to come and see him.