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Widlene Loves to Cook!

Widlene is in her “element” cooking!! She is in her second year of college to become a professional cook! I can’t wait to see her making wedding cakes!

For the last few years, she has always been “trying out new recipes on us!” She has been with us since she was about four or five, her sister was just a baby when we took in Madamn Jesula and her two girls. Madamn Jesula thought she was dying, but when we sent her to the hospital, we found out she was anemic! That’s when we took Madamn Jesula and her two girls into our orphanage. We gave Madamn Jesula a job, built her a small house, and put her two children through school- one of them, Widlene, in college! God is good! We wish to thank those of you who have helped with college funds.


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