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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10

Sometimes, we miss what the Lord wants to say to us because we are too busy to “listen to the still small voice.” There is a time to be happy and dance, or sing aloud, but there is a time to “shut up and listen to God.” In 1 Kings 19, we see the great Prophet Elijah, who had slain a lot of false prophets with the sword. King Ahab’s wife, Jezebel, was furious! She didn’t have an “iPhone,” of course, so she sent a messenger with a threat, that by “this time tomorrow, you will be as dead, as they are” (those false prophets). So, Elijah went and hid in a cave, until God spoke to him and said, “What are you doing here (hiding?).” Elijah began to tell the Lord that he was the only man of God left who was serving the Lord and that the enemy (Jezebel) was going to have him killed.

God told Elijah to go and stand upon a certain mountain because God had to get “Elijah’s attention.” A great wind came along, no telling the force of this hurricane, but it split the mountains into pieces and broke rocks! But “God wasn’t in the wind!” Afterward, God sent an “earthquake,” but God wasn’t in the earthquake! After that, a great fire… but God wasn’t in the fire. After that, a “still small voice.” God had to “get Elijah’s attention,” so that Elijah would stop feeling sorry for himself and listen to God’s “still small voice.” Had Elijah focused on the things that were happening around him, he would have missed the “still small, quiet voice.” God then told him, “You are not alone! There are seven thousand that have not bowed their knees to the idol Baal!”

In that “earthquake” or “storm” that you are in right now, take a minute. Sit down, calm down, and “hear the still small voice” of the Lord. “Be still.” Don’t cry. Don’t be afraid. Don’t be nervous! Just, “be still and know that I am God!” God is saying, “I have this under control! Do not fret!”

So, lift those hands that hang down, and praise the Lord! The battle is already won!!!!


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