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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“What’s a Mountain to an Eagle?”

Are you facing something “overwhelming” in your life today? We have been through many things, too. Bobby and I have found ourselves with our backs against the wall. We have faced death. We have been “beyond broke,” with bill collectors calling and some trying to repossess our truck while we were preaching in church. We’ve faced the death of a loved one and had other insurmountable obstacles. We, too, here in Haiti, have often worried about our children, friends, and loved ones. Every one of us “faces a mountain” in our lifetime. But when I began to study eagles, it helped me… Eagles can fly and still “carry a heavyweight.” They are equipped with a wingspan of about eight feet long! They can dive at speeds of 85-100 mph! And, the best thing, they climb to 10,000 feet!!! The Word of God says that “you” are an eagle! “… they that wait upon the Lord shall […] mount up with wings as eagles…” (Isaiah 40:31). That’s you!

So, “what’s a mountain to an eagle-like you?” Yes, you are facing a mountain, but God will bear you up on the “wings of an eagle!” Have a good day, and remember, “God’s got this!”


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