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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“A Warthog or an Elephant?”

My daughter, Julie, and I took a trip to Africa several years ago. Once you see the animals and how God controls them, how they care for their young, how smart they are, it will make you realize how big God is! One of the first animals we saw was the warthog. I had never seen a warthog before, but they are a strange animal.

One thing the guide told us about warthogs was that they have a very short memory span. The guide said, sometimes, they can forget where they left their food!! They can forget “where they are going!” And other times, when an enemy is chasing them, they forget that he is chasing them! They said you could tell when they forget by looking at their tail!

Sometimes, Christians are like “warthogs!” God does so many great things in their lives, and yet, the moment trouble comes, they forget! They forget that God had saved them from an accident, or they forget He healed their body when they were sick or, they forget that God “met that financial need, just in time!” They forget that He delivered them from an enemy or that God had His angels looking over them. They are just like a “warthog!” They have a “short memory” when it comes to all that God has done for them, just like the children of Israel!

“And the children of Israel remembered not the Lord their God, who had delivered them out of the hands of all their enemies on every side” – Judges 8:34

So, “don’t be a warthog!” It’s better to be like an elephant. Elephants never forget!

Have a great day, and begin to thank and praise God for all He has done, and is doing, and will continue to do!


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