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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

The Midnight Hour…

When you are going through a trial, doesn’t it always seem that “something happens at the midnight hour?”

The children of Israel had been in bondage in Egypt for 400 years and God had promised to set them free. After many plagues and lots of “demanding to set the people free,” Pharaoh had not hearkened. What would it take? The Bible says, “And it came to pass that at midnight, the Lord smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt.” Exodus 12:29

This very last plague was the plague that said, “I’ve got to turn these people loose!”

Jesus told a story about ten virgins, five who were foolish and five who were wise. They were “waiting for the bridegroom to come but five of the foolish virgins had not put oil in their lamps… “And at midnight, there was a cry made, behold the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.” Matthew 25:6

The Bridegroom, whom everyone was waiting in, came at midnight!

Paul and Silas had been thrown into jail. They had been beaten for preaching the Gospel! They were put “in an impossible situation,” in the “inner jail,” with their hands and feet in and stocks (after being beaten!) But, at midnight, God sent an earthquake to shake the entire prison, to open the doors and set Paul and Silas free! Maybe you have been going through something so horrible and have found no answer yet. Don’t give up! Many times, God answers in your “darkest hours,” when you feel that you have been shackled, when you feel you have “run out of oil,” when you feel you have been in bondage “too long.” Don’t give up! God does His best work, at “midnight!”


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