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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“The Child Outside Your Door…”

The Haitians have a lot of Creole proverbs that have good truths to them. One of them goes like this, “The child who cries outside your door, and the child who cries inside, are the same.”

One rich young ruler once asked Jesus this question, “… And who is my neighbour?” (Luke 10:29) That’s when Jesus told the story about the “Good Samaritan” in Luke 10:30. Sometimes, people do not understand “who their real neighbor is.” Is it the “person next door?” Is it the “person that God puts in front of you to help?” When is the last time you saw a poor woman with children at the grocery store and paid for her groceries? Or that poor man who can only afford a little gas for his car, did you stop to fill it up?

In your life, God puts people in your “path” to help. They are “like the child who cries outside your door.” They may be of a different nationality or a different color, but they instantly become your “neighbor” in the eyes of God. And when you obey and give, or do, God smiles upon your life and He blesses it! Each day “listen” and “watch” to see who the Lord wants you to help. It may even be a child or children far away, but the Holy Spirit will let you know, and the blessings will come upon your life! Have a wonderful day!


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