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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“God of the Mountain.”

It was many years ago, before Bobby and I moved to Haiti. We were at a funeral of a friend of ours. His first wife had been killed in a traffic accident not many years before. She was picking up an elderly lady to go to church, and someone ran a “four-way-stop” and killed her. Our friend was so devastated. He loved her so much and couldn’t understand why God had taken someone so precious from him.

And now, on this day, we were attending the funeral of his son, about 16 years old. He had an accident and was instantly killed. Knowing what he had been through, losing his wife and now, his son, we were “overcome with grief” for him. I will never forget it. He stepped up to the pulpit and began to sing this song… “He’s God of the mountain…” The song, if you have never heard it, says, “Life is easy when you’re up on a mountain…” It ends by saying that “He is God of the mountains and God of the valleys.”

“Yet, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil…” Psalm 23:4

Some years later, we met up with him again. He had married a precious woman who helped him in the ministry, and now she had given him a son! We do go through valleys, but He is still the same God! If you have never heard this song, look it up and listen to it! There is a whole sermon in this song! So, if you are going “through a valley” today, it won’t last long! “He” is still God!


“God of the Mountain,” by Tracy Darrt




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