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Between Life and Death… Kervensley’s Story

Abandonment is a horrible word, especially for a child in Haiti. For a toddler, it can usually mean “death by malnutrition.” This is what is happening all over Haiti… fathers have a responsibility of caring for their children, but there are no jobs. They choose to flee to the Dominican Republic and take their chances of “crossing the border illegally… where they may get shot!” Kervensley is one of the many toddlers that was abandoned by his father. Kervensley’s mother was so thin and sick that she could not breastfeed…

Where gangs have taken control over many streets, Kervensley’s mother has three children to feed. She lives in a small one-room shack with “seven” other family members. Sometimes, she gets a small job of washing clothes, so Kervensley’s food was always bread dipped in sugar water! This was Kervensley’s main meal while he was starving from malnutrition!

Kervensley began losing his appetite and losing weight. When he was brought to our clinic, he had diarrhea and vomiting. He was turning into “skin and bones!”

His mother made her way to our Jesus Healing Center… When he arrived, he was “crying,” but he was so weak you could not hear his voice. What hair he had was turning red. His skin was dry and wrinkled… Scratches were all over his skin. He could not sit or stand at all! He was “close to death!” That’s when our doctor sent him to our Malnutrition Center Clinic.

Through much love, prayer, and good nutrition, Kervensley has a chance to live! When he is at his normal weight, he will then be in “outpatient care.” We will be sending a box of “Feed My Starving Children” food to his family at home. We pray that things in Haiti will improve and that his mother can go back to work, selling and making a living. We will keep you updated on Kervensley.

We wish to thank Joyce Meyer Ministries – Hand of Hope for sponsoring the building of the Malnutrition Center Clinic and all the furnishings inside.

Thank you, partners, for your monthly support to help us carry on this project, saving little lives!

God bless you,

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