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Food for Life

Food for Life

When we first got our property in Haiti, the land was quite ugly with briar bushes and weeds, etc. After building the Orphanage and other projects we expanded our vision to have an “Agricultural Training Center.”

Wilner is the teacher, and with the help of our Rad Hazelip in the States, this beautiful Agricultural Center has become a great success!

Wilner teaches farmers and others, how to care for the soil to get it to produce vegetables.

Today, they brought some of the harvest to our Love A Child Orphanage.

Look what we got! We have sweet cassava, green papaya (getting ready to eat), celery, cabbage leaves, chili pepper (Haitians love this!), parsley (can’t cook without this!), leeks, and other spices! Boss Wilner also takes these vegetables to the kitchen of our Birthing Center, our Clinic, our Malnutrition Center, and the kitchen where our construction crew eats. Since most of our workers stay at Love A Child and come from a long distance, we feed our workers three times a day, and there are hundreds of them!!

This Agricultural Center not only provides food for everyone on our property who works for us but for our mothers in our Birthing Center and the children at our Malnutrition Clinic, as well as our Orphanage. We want to especially thank Rad Hazelip, who works with Wilner and gives some good advice, and encourages Wilner in all he does! We are so proud of them and we thank God for this beautiful “harvest” He has given!


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