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Love A Child Kids, Growing Up!

Love A Child Kids, Growing Up!

Dimelia (often called, Di Di), rounds up some of her sisters to help in the Maternity Clinic or Malnutrition Center. This is Dimelia, showing Lovely, how to mark the information that is coming in from the sonogram. This is Dimelia’s regular job at the Birthing Center each day!

Most of the women have never had a sonogram and to see their baby in the womb, is so exciting to them…. unless Dimelia says, she sees “two or three!” Ha! Dimelia will be going to a special international medical college in Jamaica this fall. She has already applied for her visa.

Lovely, pictured with her, wants to take a different route. She wants to study law! She wants to be an attorney for the poor! I told her, “The poor cannot pay you very much at all.” She said, “I know that, mom. But that’s what I want to do.” We will see if Lovely stays on course. The other girls volunteer at our Malnutrition Clinic! All our children must learn to “give back!” We are so proud of them.


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