“Render therefore to all their dues…honor to whom honor.” Romans 13:7
Special Thanks to MAP International! This story was passed on to us from our Jesus Healing Center and Malnutrition Center:
We love to thank those who help us “help the poor.” This story is about a poor pregnant mother, Juveline Dorisca. She is 21 years old and has two children. Her husband had passed away. This young woman came to our clinic because she was pregnant and so ill. Her blood pressure was “extremely dangerous and abnormal.” After a general examination at our Jesus Healing Center, our doctors sent her to our Birthing Center for further examination. She was diagnosed with “severe preeclampsia.” They gave her lots of IV medicines and fluids to save her life and the life of her baby, including with sodium chloride. Just a few days before, we had received lots of these medicines and medical supplies from our friends at MAP International.
I understand how severe this condition is because a number of our Love A Child children came to us because their mother died immediately after childbirth with this same “childbirth fever and infection.”
I don’t know what would have happened if we had not had these medicines. As many of you know, medicines and medical supplies are “very expensive” here in Haiti. In addition, it is “very, very dangerous” even when we do get to buy medicines because there are so many gangs in Haiti right now. Each time our drivers go to downtown Port-au-Prince for medicines and medical supplies, they put their lives in danger.
Thank you, MAP International, for your wonderful gift of medicines and medical supplies and for all of the hard work you did in getting these to us! May the Lord continue to bless your medical outreach to the poor!
Missionaries Bobby and Sherry Burnette