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More Malnourished Children

“Gangs in Haiti bring more malnourished children…”

Malnutrition in small children and babies here in Haiti is very common, especially in the last four years, since the gangs have taken control in most areas. A mother with a malnourished child will always be looking for a “hospital” to take in their dying child, but it is not easy, especially surrounded by gangs.

A young mother, Mdm. Gilienne Gerisme is from the village area called “Ti Mache.” Life is not easy for her. She has five children. She used to sell vegetables and “managed to feed her children,” but since the gangs took over, they were there at each corner demanding any little bit of money she and the other poor parents had managed to save for food.

Each day, she watched as her smallest baby, 18-month-old Louinel Marc, became smaller. He developed a fever and then did not want to eat. Her baby was rapidly losing weight and had a fever for six days. She took him to our Jesus Healing Center. After a full examination, they quickly knew that this baby would die if he did not get the serious care he needed. He weighed 5.7 kg.

He was eating, but he was eating the wrong foods. Doctors said that he had Kwashiorkor Malnutrition. This is dangerous because the baby usually “looks fat and healthy.” The baby is eating the wrong foods… corn, flour, rice, etc. He came to the point where he did not want to eat at all. He was headed towards severe kidney problems.

He spent three months with us at our Malnutrition Clinic with lots of care and a special diet. He now weighs 7.9 lbs. and is happy, rolling around on the floor, and playing with other children.

When his mother arrived, she took home her baby and a large box of “Feed My Starving Children” food! She will return from time to time for a check-up, and continue to take a box of this delicious, nutritious food home! Thank you for saving another life!

Bobby and Sherry

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