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Our Most Important Job

Of all the things we do in Haiti, we feel that “feeding hungry children,” is our most important job. Unless you have lived here for many years, as we have, and seen the tears of the mothers and heard their stories of how hard it is every day, to feed their children, we cannot possibly underestimate the value of feeding the hungry. We have other outreaches: churches, schools, a Medical Clinic, Birthing Center, Malnutrition Center, etc., but when it comes to children, they are innocent victims of hunger and starvation.

Each bowl of food brings the “light of Christ,” into a village. It is hard to tell a hungry family that “God is good.” As one of our good missionary friends said, “You cannot eat a Bible.” First, you must wrap your arms of love around them, help them in times of crisis, and feed them when they are hungry. I have heard the people of Haiti call food, “Little Jesus.”

When a child has not eaten a full meal for days or weeks, that food you send to them speaks louder than anything. Most of all, it gives them “hope.” Today, we just wanted to say “thank you, partners,” for every bowl of food that you have provided for Haiti’s poor, especially at this critical time of need.

God bless you, Bobby and Sherry

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