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Ti Mika is a Blessing!

Ti Mika “Burnette” is now 14 and in 9th grade. We first found her while taping for a TV program. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw an elderly grandma put a few grains of rice in the baby’s mouth and then sat her on the ground! Grandma[…]

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The Mondisir Family Has Lost Everything

PRAY FOR THE MONDISIR FAMILY: On Thursday night, the Mondisir family of the remote village of Gran Ravine in South Haiti lost their house in a terrible fire. One of the sons was burned badly, along with another one of the children. The fire consumed their clothes, their beds, and[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

John is a powerful book in the New Testament. Apostle John was the son of Zebedee, the brother of James. No one really knows how he died. Some historians say he was thrown into a pot of boiling oil. John 13:23 – “Now there was leaning on Jesus’ bosom one of[…]

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Daphline, Growing Up!

Beautiful Daphlina (Daphline), is certainly growing up fast! She is now 14 and in junior high school! She makes good grades in school, loves music, loves the praise dances, and loves our little kids! She often spends time in our Malnutrition Clinic or often helps in our kitchen. Amazingly enough,[…]

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Our Wonderful Haitian Staff Makes Everything Possible

We are so proud of all our wonderful “hardworking” Haitian staff at Love A Child. We are so thankful to Dr. Barthelemy, who is over the Jesus Healing Center (the blue building), and the other medical outreaches. Then, there is our great staff at our Birthing Center (the pink building).[…]

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New LAC TV Program “Grace and Glory” Begins Today!

Bobby and Sherry travel across Haiti’s rough terrain to impoverished villages offering gifts of hope and nourishment. Your heart will break as you hear from children who must take their family’s livelihoods into their own hands and work hard to help provide, busting rocks into smaller rocks, fishing with damaged[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

THREE PROMISES! “He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for he giveth of his bread to the poor.” Proverbs 22:9 “There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty. The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.” Proverbs 11:24-25 “He that giveth unto[…]

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Thankful for Family Time!

Happy Thanksgiving from the Burnettes’ at Lake Arrowhead, California: Bobby, Sherry, Julie, Jonathan, Aidan, and Brandon. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner together! Julie, our daughter, and her husband had Thanksgiving with his mother, who is 86 years old in Northern CA. God bless you and your family today. We[…]

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Cosmetology is Her Specialty!

Raising Haitian children is a full-time job but so rewarding!! This is Sarah’s second year of college. She is a professional at braiding and doing any kind of hair and nail art!! However, about a month ago, she developed some bacterial cysts on her eyes. Her doctor said she would[…]

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Joshua and Bo Bo

We have 85 kids in Haiti and three dogs, five horses (which we never ride because they are old), two donkeys, and lots of turkeys and guineas! This is Joshua! He is more of a “handful” than all the kids and animals put together! Ha! But this sweet, precious baby,[…]

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