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Happy Thanksgiving!

HAVE A BLESSED DAY! Sherry and I want to wish all our friends and family a wonderful Thanksgiving. Enjoy this day as we all give praises to the Lord. We want to thank you for all your love, support, and prayers. We love you very much. Bobby and Sherry Burnette

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Word from the Mission Field

“The Divine Favor of God…” We teach the children here at Love A Child that “God’s divine favor” is worth more than gold! Divine favor can bring you out of a mess! Divine favor can “lift you up above your circumstances” when you need it the most. The Bible tells us the story[…]

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Fabiola… Our Baby is Growing Up!

I’m not sure, but Haitian children seem to grow up and mature faster than American children. Fabiola and her brother, Wilguens, both came to us at the same time. When Fabiola’s mother could no longer take care of the children, their father turned them over to Social Services, who called[…]

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Travel Update – Bobby and Sherry…

Sherry and I landed last evening here in California to be with our family for Thanksgiving. We are now up here in beautiful Lake Arrowhead, California. Looking forward to tomorrow and having a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with family. We will be sending pictures tomorrow. We are thankful to a friend[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

God can give you favor and wisdom in the middle of your crisis! “And the patriarchs, moved with envy, sold Joseph into Egypt: but God was with him, And delivered him out of all his afflictions, and gave him favour and wisdom in the sight of Pharaoh king of Egypt;[…]

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What A Sweetie!

Rodna is growing up to be a wonderful, sweet 12-year-old girl! She helps lead the praise and worship at our services each night at our Love A Child Children’s Home. She often goes to the Malnutrition Clinic on weekends to help with the babies. Her favorite thing is cooking!! Her[…]

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Saving Babies’ Lives…

Haiti struggles every day to survive! The little ones under five are the most fragile. Poor mothers in bad health have babies that are born into bad health. Mothers feed their babies “sugar water, mud cookies, and anything else they can find.” When poor mothers bring their babies to our[…]

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Yesterday Hubert and his Love A Child team unloaded 200 sacks of beans for those in South Haiti who are in desperate need. We love you, Hubert! The lack of food is a crisis in Haiti. Thank you to a very special anonymous donor family. Thank you to all of[…]

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Matching Gift Challenge Update

UPDATE: As you know, we have a donor who has pledged a “Matching Gift Challenge” of $95,000 to “Where Most Needed” or our “Solar Project.” We must have these Matching Gifts in by the day before Thanksgiving. As of this morning, we are $41,000 short of our goal. PLEASE call[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Asking God for a Hard Thing” Have you ever asked God for “a hard thing?” In 2 Kings 2:9-10, the Prophet Elijah, the Tishbite, had done miraculous miracles! He had a faithful servant called “Elisha.” Elisha, the servant, was a simple man. His job was to wait on and serve[…]

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