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Postpone FMSC visit to Haiti: 1-21-16 10:30 AM

Alert: We spoke with Mark Crea, President of Feed My Starving Children, this morning about their upcoming trip to Haiti. Due to the elections that will be held this Sunday, there are growing manifestations, and increased violence going on right now. We have decided to postpone the Feed My Starving Children[…]

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Sherry's Journal, Mobile Medical Clinic, Haiti

Word from the Mission Field – 01-21-16

“But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind. And thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense thee: for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just.” Luke 14:13-14 – Ever notice how many people want to do things with and[…]

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Christian Community Center in the Dominican Republic

Blessings in the Dominican Republic – 01-20-16

Tomorrow we want to share some good news concerning our future community center in the Dominican Republic! PTL! God bless David George and his partners for the $$$ for the land to build this community center. Pastor Randy Landis told me such good news today! Faith is marching forward to[…]

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We welcome Pastor Mark Ostrander to Haiti today!

Mark Ostrander to Haiti – 01-20-16

We welcome Pastor Mark Ostrander to Haiti today! He will be working on the marketplace (Gwo Mache Mirak) and has probably been to Haiti 350 times. Mark is also a member of our Love A Child Board of Directors. Love is something you do! Bobby

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Bobby Burnette - Your Missionary in Haiti

Word from the Mission Field – 01-20-16

“With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 – God gave me this thought several years ago… God has more miracles than we have needs! Let God give you a MIRACLE today! Bobby

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Bobby and Sherry Burnette

Bobby and Sherry traveling – 01-19-16

Tomorrow, Sherry and I will be traveling to the Feed My Starving Children Partner Conference in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. We have been partnering together for 17 years. Feed My Starving Children is a wonderful organization that feeds the hungry around the world. May God bless Feed My Starving Children and[…]

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Sharing Food in Haiti

Sharing our Food: 1-19-16 9:15 AM

Pastor Bob Nunley is feeding these precious children at Good Rest Mission. He does great work for the Lord and we share food with them each month. Bob wrote, “I tip my hat in thanks to Love A Child and Feed My Starving Children for their undying efforts to fight[…]

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Word from the Mission Field – 01-19-16

It’s a joy serving the poor. Jesus said, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Matthew 25:40 – Jesus was speaking of those who are hungry, thirsty, a stranger, naked, sick and in prison. Let the[…]

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Feeding Hungry Children in Haiti

Feeding hungry children – 01-18-16

What a blessing it is to put food into the bellies of hungry children! There is no greater blessing that God could give, than the Seven Supernatural Blessings of Psalms 41:1-3! These blessings will “chase you down and run you over!” These darlings are being fed with donated food that[…]

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Word from the Mission Field – 01-18-16

FAITH is not something you just talk about, but FAITH is something you do. LOVE is not something you just talk about, but LOVE is something you do! Read today 1 Corinthians 13th chapter, the love chapter. Let God’s love shine through you today! Bobby

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