After a good weekend of quiet recovery (except during the Copa America soccer matches), Dieubon was happy and eager to return to “work” this morning at the Love A Child offices in Fort Myers. Here he enjoys doing some schoolwork and does very well with it. He is learning more English along with keeping up with his...
“Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” James 1:27 – Do you know any widows or orphans? It is the will of the Lord to help them, feed them and bless them. God bless...
Just look at these precious hungry children eating a full meal from the village of Barade, Haiti. They are in a feeding program in the mountains, and have one hour of "education" from a village teacher. This is a miracle for these children. Our friend Mark at Northern Friends of Haiti cares for these children. We give...
This is the portion of the crowd at our Fond Parisien church this morning. The Dream Center youth team from New York City will start their services this evening at 6:30 PM. We will rock for Jesus. Have a blessed Sunday! Bobby and Sherry
It was about two weeks ago, when some people came to our gate with a great need. They were trying to feed "widows and orphans" in their area of Haiti and they had no food. Our "plate was full," because we were already helping over 70 organizations each month, which was one-and-a-half "40-foot containers" of food. We couldn’t...
Trust: King David wrote, "Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God." Psalm 20:7 — No, we don’t use chariots or horses when we go to battle, we battle different things such as health problems, problems with our children, our neighbors, our enemies, but...
We welcome the Dream Center Team from New York!!! Wow, what an incredible group of people serving the Lord! You would not believe the great time we had at our Love A Child Orphanage tonight!! We heard praises, rap, testimonies, and hip-hop for Jesus! What an impact on our youth! They will be witnessing this week, working...
Our beloved Captain of our Miracle Village Firehouse in Fond Parisien, Haiti, died a few days ago from a deadly motorcycle accident. In all our years of living here in Fond Parisien, we have never seen anyone who impacted as many lives as Marcelin did. He was so sweet, so gentle, and "saving lives in a fire" was...
"He sent a man before them, even Joseph, who was sold for a servant: Whose feet they hurt with fetters: he was laid in iron: Until the time that his word came: the word of the Lord tried him." Psalms 105:17-19 — Ecclesiastes 3 tells us that there is a "time for every purpose under the heaven." Sometimes, we go through trials, trials...
This precious story was shared with us by one of our friends at Croatian Relief Services, with whom we share our food each month. Brother Filipovic found a 10-year-old street boy named Jimmy, who was not in school. When he asked him why, Jimmy said, "With a family of ten, I always suffered from hunger...