Yonel, the older boy, and his brother live in the village of Boukanbou, Haiti. This village is a filthy, hot, dry, and dusty village. There is no clean water to drink, to take a bath or grow a garden! Hunger is a way of life! Imagine these children and many others, living and existing day after day in this village. Even prisoners on “death row” have it better than these children! Let’s always open our hearts wide to the poor, and let’s be thankful for every time we eat, sleep on a bed, take a bath, or drink a “cup of water.” God has been good to us all! Sherry
Sponsor a Child: 2-4-16 10:30 AM
Here are the results of what food and love will do. On the left is Janel, who has severe malnutrition and is fighting to live. While Nelson, on the right, who could not walk or talk, is now running, playing, singing, and going to school! Pray about “changing one life.” Click here to sponsor a child. God bless you, Sherry
Word from the Mission Field: 2-4-16 6:00 AM
I was just wondering, “How many of you, our friends, were ever hungry as a child? Were your parents poor, or well to do? Do you remember any days when there was no food, or your mother didn’t know what she was going to do?” This is life every day for the majority of children here in Haiti. The only “tender touch,” or the only “church” they may see, is you, feeding them. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 — Someone is watching you, today, so “shine!” God bless you, Sherry
Mackenson and Jackson Update – 02-03-16
This is what “kwashiorkor” malnutrition does… Children have bloated faces, swollen arms and feet, and sometimes, their skin actually splits open from the swelling. They are “protein-starved.” They eat things like corn, flour with water, but no milk or protein. Their stomachs swell like a “pregnant woman.” This type of malnutrition is the most severe and kills children. We are so thankful that God spared Mackenson and Jackson! Thank you partners for saving these little lives! Great is your reward in Heaven! Sherry
A famine in the land: 2-3-16 12:30 PM
“And there was a famine in the land…” Genesis 12:10 — There is a famine in Haiti too, right now. Just one hour and forty-five minutes from the shores of Miami by plane, the little country of Haiti faces famine every day—and not the rich, but the poor. You will be shocked to learn the “facts.” See Sherry’s Journal today and send me your comments. Your thoughts are so important to Bobby and me! God bless you, Sherry
Clothes and Food Distribution Le Tant: 2-3-16 10:15 AM
Today, while Bobby and the construction team are up in the mountains of Savaan Pit building a new church, we will continue our outreach programs to the poor. This week, we have been distributing a lot of nice, brand new clothing to the poor, as well as food. Today, we will be doing another clothing distribution in the village of “New Le Tant” at 11:00 this morning. A large clothing distribution is also planned for one of our schools this week. “Thank you partners” for all you have done to help the poor! We love you! Bobby and Sherry
Word from the Mission Field – 02-03-16
“Children are a gift from God; they are his reward.” Psalm 127:3 (TLB) – Thank you for helping us take care of God’s most precious gifts. These poor Haitian children are His reward. God bless you today! Sherry
Miliana Update – 02-02-16
Thank you friends and partners for saving another life! This is Miliana and when I first saw her, she was walking through thorn bushes and across a dry field here in Haiti. She was only looking down and chewing on a dirty piece of string. Miliana was hungry, full of sores and unloved, but now thanks to you, she is doing so much better! She still has sores, which are being treated, and she is in school, happy, healthy, eating, playing and loving God! “Thank YOU!” You have saved another life! Sherry
Clothing Distribution Madamn Beauje: 2-2-16 3:45 PM
Today, Bobby and the construction team traveled up into the mountains of Savaan Pit. They will be there along with David George, Jesse Ostrander, and many others “building a church in the middle-of-nowhere!” Meanwhile, we did another food and clothing distribution in the village of Madamn Bauje. Be sure to see “Sherry’s Journal” today! God has put us here on earth “to bless the poor!” We love you! Sherry
Word from the Mission Field – 02-02-16
Jesus said, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15 – These were the last words Jesus left to the church. This was the Great Commission! This morning at 5 AM, Bobby, Jesse, David, Jay, Tim, Nick, Carlos and seven members of our wonderful Haitian staff left to go deep in the mountains of Savaan Pit. This week, they will be building a new church and will start remodeling our Love A Child School. Please pray for their safety while traveling, as these mountains are very rough and dangerous. Sherry