Many of our children living in our Love A Child Orphanage came to us because their mothers developed “childbirth fever” (Haitians call it “eklampsi”) and died. I may not have the spelling correct, but it is a very common fever that is caused from infection. Oftentimes, mothers give birth on the dirt floors of mud huts and someone uses a “rusty tin can lid” to cut the umbilical cord! Ericka was found with huge, oozing sores and severe malnutrition, which affected her mental development. Today, she still has “challenges,” but she is our “baby doll” and we love her! Sherry
More Dresses – 11-09-15
Wow! When God blesses, He really blesses! We have needed dresses so badly for many poor children here in Haiti, and somehow, God has laid this need upon the hearts of many partners! We received these adorable dresses from Tri County Church of the Nazarene and from Mark and Sharon Pettway. We wish all of you could be here to see the big smiles you have put on the faces of these little children! We had many children at the orphanage for the “dress and clothing” giveaway! “Great is your reward in Heaven!” Thank you Tri County Church of the Nazarene! God bless you, Bobby and Sherry
Dresses by Charlie – 11-09-15
God bless Charlie McCurry for these adorable dresses for the poor children in Haiti! The little girls are so excited to get nice, clean clothes that were especially handmade with love! Thank you Charlie! God bless you, Bobby and Sherry
Welcome Visitors – 11-09-15
We welcome the Life Church Team from Allentown, PA to Haiti. Pastor Randy Landis is the pastor. We have another house being built this week in Miracle Village. This house will go to a lady and her family who have lived in a torn tent since the earthquake. Also, we thank Pastor Mark Ostrander for coming in today to oversee the project. “Love is something you do!” Bobby
Update on Moses: 11-9-2015 8:00 AM
This is Moses, one of the children at our Love A Child Orphanage. We have had him since he was a baby, when his real mother gave birth to him and dropped him down into an “outhouse” and left him there to die! He was rescued and brought to us, and through the years he has become very good in school. He says that one day he wants to be President of Haiti. In the meantime, he spends Sunday mornings “preaching to his younger brothers.” See video. Thank you partners for saving another life! Sherry
Word from the Mission Field – 11-09-15
“Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer.” Romans 12:12 – Rejoice, be patient, and pray. This sounds like a great recipe for success in life! Have a blessed day. Bobby
Order the book: 11-8-2015 3:30 PM
Learn what happened to Sherry and me during a crusade that changed the whole direction of our lives and ministry in Haiti. Learn how to walk by faith! You may call the office number at 239-210-6107 to give a gift of any amount to help feed hungry children and request a free copy of our book, “Love is Something You Do.” You can also order it from Bobby
Word from the Mission Field: 11-8-2015 6:30 AM
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) — You don’t have to worry about anything. Because God does have a plan for you…and rest assured it is a good plan. It’s going to be all right. Bobby
Christian: 11-7-2015 6:45 PM
You may remember this young boy when he first came to the orphanage. His name is Christian. His mother had died and his father was in prison serving a life sentence. He had no family to take care of him. He was brought to our Love A Child Orphanage by Haiti’s Department of Social Services. Of course he was welcomed into our family with open arms and lots of love. His name is now Christian Burnette, and he loves to play outside with all his brothers and sisters. One of his favorite activities is kicking a soccer ball. Thank you partners for helping to change another life in Haiti. May God bless you. Bobby and Sherry
Ministering to the sick and poor: 11-7-2015 1:30 PM
“Ministering to the sick and poor in Haiti” is one of our many outreaches to share the Gospel. Be sure to read Sherry’s Journal today, and see how “First Class Medical Care” helps us share God’s love in Haiti. Sherry