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Love A Child

Haiti Update – 09-05-14 – 6:45 AM

Sherry and I look around us every day here in Haiti and see so many people, especially the children, suffering from hunger and malnutrition. We were up at 3:30 this morning talking about it and making plans to help more. You and I are the hands and the arms of[…]

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Love A Child

Shalken Update – 09-04-14 – 7:30 PM

As far as our pediatrician knows, Shalken has calcinosis, a condition where calcium goes toward soft tissue and causes tumors. (This is what I understood our Haitian doctor to say via the phone.) However, Shalken has not had a biopsy yet, and that may show something different. He is a[…]

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Love A Child

Update on Elijah and Dimelia – 09-04-14

Baby Elijah’s surgery is scheduled for Saturday. He will have lab work done tomorrow. Dimelia’s next appointment is September 14th in Boston. Her doctors will evaluate how her healing is progressing. She has made several trips to the States for reconstructive surgery because of severe burns that occurred when she[…]

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Love A Child

Update on Elijah – 09-04-14 – 1:30 PM

When we sent out a plea for a shunt for Baby Elijah’s operation, we never knew God would move so quickly and actually “double” our blessing. The first facility and group of doctors to respond was from Fawcett Memorial Hospital in Port Charlotte, Florida. Mike Essmann, one of our staff[…]

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Love A Child

Update on Shalken: 9-4-2014 8:00 AM

Today, I saw Shalken at our Jesus Healing Center. My heart broke because I saw that he had broken out with lots of sores and lumps all over his body. Our Pediatrician said we should try to find a Dermatologist in the States to see if they can help him.[…]

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Love A Child

Elijah Update – 09-03-14

This morning, Baby Elijah has an appointment with a Neurologist here in Haiti. If it is possible, he may do the “shunt surgery” tomorrow at the Canape Vert Hospital in Port-au-Prince. We are so thankful to a concerned and tenderhearted person who donated the shunt for this surgery. We also thank[…]

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field – 08-04-14

“That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” Hebrews 6:12 – Have you ever asked God to hurry up? Sometimes we are all in a hurry in our fast food pace lives, but through faith and patience the Lord will keep[…]

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Love A Child

Latest News: 9-3-2014 5:00 PM

Today, Rad Hazelip, Pete Roberts and some future Haitian businessmen have been working very hard to prepare all of the chicken houses for their Haitian Chicken Co-op Program. Special thanks goes to all of the Haitian people who have worked so hard with Robert building these new chicken houses. More[…]

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field – 09-03-14

Moses sent twelve spies into Canaan to spy out the land that God had promised. Ten came back negative, but the last two, Joshua and Caleb, came back positive. The ten said that the people are strong and there are giants in the land, and that we look like grasshoppers[…]

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Love A Child

Baby Elijah Update – 09-02-14

We had a wonderful response to the need of a “shunt” for surgery for Baby Elijah. One hospital was just a few hours from our Love A Child office and someone drove there to pick it up. (We will tell you the name of the hospital tomorrow.) The shunt will[…]

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