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Love A Child

Elijah Update – 07-11-14

We have more bad news about Baby Elijah. He has now been diagnosed as hydrocephalic or a “water head baby.”  This is among his other complications. He really needs a miracle. Sherry

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Love A Child

Latest News: 7-11-2014 10:00 AM

Yesterday, David George and his team along with Carlos held an Outreach Program there. The team did another distribution of school backpacks and gave out rice and bean meals that were donated by Feed My Starving Children to Love A Child. Thanks also to World Vision for their donation of[…]

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field – 07-11-14

“I was in prison, and ye visited me.” Matthew 25:36 The spirit of God fell mightily as David George ministered in one of the prisons in the Dominican Republic. The team of over 30 passed out Bibles as well as new tennis shoes that were given to us by World[…]

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Love A Child

Come on a mission trip – 07-10-14

Our Love A Child Mission Teams go to the regions beyond to share the Gospel and medical care with many poor Haitians. We go where no one else wants to go, and do it because the Lord has called us to do it. Click here to see our “Mission Teams”[…]

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Love A Child

Latest News: 7-10-2014 8:00 AM

“He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock.”- Luke: 6:48 Our foundation must be built[…]

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Love A Child

Baby Elijah Update – 07-09-14

Nelio, our Haitian Director, just called us about baby Elijah. We still do not know the type of meningitis that he has, but we will let you know when we find out. At this point, the doctors think he will be handicapped. Baby Elijah was abandoned outside our gate about[…]

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Love A Child

Latest News: 7-9-2014 1:00 PM

David George and his team, along with Carlos, are there doing a great job with our Outreach Programs. They have been distributing school backpacks and supplies to poor children in the Dominican Republic. They will also be going into the sugar cane camps to distribute food. Praise the Lord! Sherry

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Love A Child

Latest News: 7-9-2014 12:00PM

Special Needs for Haiti: We are in desperate need of Children’s backpacks for school, all ages from toddlers to high school. We also need: black dress school shoes, all sizes from small child to young adults, both boys and young men to girls and young women. We need the widest[…]

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Love A Child

Latest News: 7-9-2014 10:00 AM

God bless our missionary friend Chuck Martindale and his work in the northern part of Haiti. We share our food with many other missionary organizations that need food to keep their orphanages going here in Haiti. Look at these precious children eating! Thank you again for helping us to do[…]

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Love A Child

Latest News: 7-9-2014 8:00 AM

Attention to all of our Love A Child Partners and Church Members – we desperately need Churches and Ladies Groups to take on the project of helping us with “Birthing Kits” for pregnant mothers. We have special OB classes at Love A Child to train and teach poor mothers how to care[…]

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