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Love A Child

Update on Dimilia: 7-15-2014 10:30 AM

We want to praise the Lord for providing the sponsoring of Dimilia’s trip to Maine for her surgery, and someone to travel with her. It is amazing how fast the Lord provides. God bless you! Bobby and Sherry  

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Love A Child

Latest News: 7-15-2014 8:30 AM

The Dominican Republic Youth Outreach Programs have exploded with the power of God. Our Love A Child team has held five Children’s Outreach Programs where they distributed 1,000 school backpacks. They also handed out a blend of rice and beans donated by Feed My Starving Children. They distributed Bibles and tennis[…]

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Love A Child

Word from the Mission Field – 07-15-14

“But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” Hebrews 11:6 – So many people worry about so many things before they even happen. Let’s have faith[…]

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Love A Child

Dimilia Update – 07-14-14

Our sweetie Dimilia, from our Love A Child Orphanage, is getting ready to have her third surgery at the Shriners Hospital in Maine. She suffered severe burns at the age of four when a pot of boiling cornmeal fell on her. She must fly to Portland, Maine and meet up[…]

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Love A Child

Latest News: 7-14-2014 11:00 AM

Today is the opening day of our Grand Miracle Market Office. Hundreds are lined up and the lines run from outside the gate to the porch area. Everyone is filling out applications for a booth and there will also be interviews throughout the day. This is an overwhelming success! Special[…]

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Love A Child

Psalm 118:24

“This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 This is Monday and I will be glad and rejoice in it! No matter what may come our way today we will not fear for the Lord is with us. Though[…]

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Love A Child

Latest News: 7-13-2014 2:00 PM

Tomorrow morning our Grand Miracle Market offices will open and start accepting applications from people who want to sell in the market, which opens in September. We are very excited! Meet the Metro Management Team of Villy, Orio and Saralla who will be managing the market. The Lord has given[…]

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Love A Child

Latest News: 7-13-2014 8:30 AM

When Jesus had taken the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed it, and they that did eat of the loaves were about five thousand men. When they were all done eating they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments, and of the[…]

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Love A Child

Latest News: 7-12-2014 9:00 PM

David George and his team worked very hard ministering to 1,500 teens at a big youth rally in the Dominican Republic. It was held in a huge basketball park. The governor and the mayor of the city supported this youth outreach program. Carlos is doing such a great job! What[…]

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Love A Child

Latest News: 7-12-2014 10:30 AM

This fall, we will open another Love A Child School in the village of old Le Tant. These poor children are mostly naked, barefoot and uneducated. We will start with the smallest children, and then add a grade each year. God bless our friend David George and all of his[…]

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